Looking forward to return

Cantubat_1I’m anxious to get back, to play with my teammates. We have a good team and I miss being a part of it. I have a lot of frustration and everything, but it takes time to heal. The doctor told me that, so I’m trying to be positive.

We’re talking about me playing again after the next road trip. June 1, the first game back after the road trip, that’s when I’m supposed to be ready to go. We’re taking it little by little right now.

I feel way better, this week from last week.

Boring at home

I’m still bored because I have nothing to do but stay at home. They just told me to go home and relax and stay off my foot. But mentally I’m trying to be ready. Like I haven’t missed anything. Working in the cage at the Minor League complex for my timing.  It’s working.

I’m getting to the point where it’s 5 or 5:30 in the afternoon and I want to go to sleep so bad it can’t go fast enough. So I’m in the habit of taking naps now.

This has been pretty much the hardest period of my professional career. But it’s going to happen once in a while. You ‘ve got to get used to it and get your mind right. I’ve been talking to my mom and dad every night.


  1. jsreale2@hotmail.com

    Can-du, really pulling for you to get back with the squad. We can’t wait to see your name in the line-up card. As a D-Rays fan, I am so excited about the core of this team and can’t wait for you guys to all be healthy and running on all cylinders.

    From the outside, it seems like the new skipper is a perfect fit. Would love to hear your thoughts on how the clubhouse, attitude feels different vs last year and some of the changes you have noticed.

    All the best and look forward to you getting back soon.

    John Reale

    Houston, TX

  2. flskl@juno.com


    Can’t wait to see you back in the line up. We need you!

    I’m so excited about all the changes in the organization and at the ball park this season.

    I love your enthusiasm and know that you really want to win ever game.

    Get better soon.

  3. gutogonz@gmail.com

    Echele ganas, campeón!
    No te nos aguites

    Toda la gente de tu Reynosa estamos pendientes de tu recuperación y sabemos que al momento que estes bien recuperado esos numeritos se pondran al corriente.

    No te preocupes que la bandera de los Mantarrayas sigue ondeando en Reynosa.

    Arriba ese ánimo!


    César gutogonz@gmail.com

  4. lcalder@optonline.net

    Just want to start off by saying your a great all around player, excellent young hitter. I was hoping you would be back soon from your foot injury, your in my fantasy league and I need you in at 2B. I hope you have a fast recovery.

    Joie Calderon,Oakdale NY

  5. John


    Hang on in there – all us Rays fans can’t wait to hve you back in the lineup.

    Its going to be awesome once you and Rocco are back with the club – I reckon the Rays will be pretty difficult to beat!

    Shameless plug alert: If you’re bored at home I fully reccommend reading my blog!

    Sorry about that! Here’s hoping you’re back to fitness real soon,



  6. samanthacraig@frontiernet.net

    Hey You!
    Duty calls again – the minors have started and travel to Durham and catching up with Montgomery keeps me busy. The broken toe is healed – FINALLY! Photography is calling me HARD from FLA and guess what? David and I get to come back to St. Pete to actually SEE & Photograph YOU, and Gomsey and “Big Red” play in the Trop – IN AUGUST! That is the only time I can break away from photographing in the minors to get back to you all. 2X in one season – It is all good!!! 🙂

    So with hopes, all the prayers we can send and candles I can go light – I hope by then I get to photograph you playing second base some more this season! Spring training really does not count!!! Though it does give me a chance to spoil you a little! BTW where did that bear end up?

    Would you pass the word on to the other 2 of “MY BOYS” about August? I did email them and tell them – but you know how those 2 R! 🙂

    Photographer Sammi in WV

  7. divadoll2005@yahoo.com


    Glad to hear you’ll hopefully be playing again soon if your healing keeps going as well as it has been. I bet I can speak on behalf of all your fans when I say we miss you just as much and I bet your teammates miss you just as much too!

    It’s always nice to hear that a guy doesn’t forget to call his parents no matter how old (not that you’re old) he is or how famous he gets! Stay that way, never change!

    Just think, now that you’ve been through a really rough time that means something good has GOT to be coming your way! And not only that, getting back to your teammates and playing will be newer and sweeter than it was before!

    Keep relaxing and enjoy those naps!


    Kenneth City, FL

  8. xuaveveneno@aol.com

    NO TE DESESPERES- June is around the corner. Went w/ my daughter to Mothers Day game but even though I got my pink hat,flowers and all the stuff my kid got me….it wasn’t the same without you!!! HEAL-and if you’re bored- read-I suggest the BIBLE-it has many stories of men who were down and then came back big time-have FAITH that you’ll come back better than ever.

  9. indecisivebrad@hotmail.com

    Glad to hear your foot is feeling better. Just keep resting it and you’ll be back out there soon enough. Is there any word on what is going to happen to Wiggy when you come back to second? I hope that bat doesn’t get sent to the bench. I think he’d be better off at third with Huff at DH and Gomes in right, but I’m not the manager yet.

  10. fernstac1@hotmail.com

    Saludos y siguele dandole ganas! Soy un Dodgers fan, pero como mexicano como tu, siempre te apollo a ti y los demas mexicanos en las grandes ligas. Cuando se termine tu contrato con los D-Rays, vente a jugar mas sercas a casa, como en Los Angeles donde necesitaremos un 2nd baseman…Bueno, just a thought I had to throw in there! Heres to a good and healthy rest of the season…

  11. josephduprey@yahoo.com

    My prayers go out to you for a speedy recovery. I grew a Yankees fan, but started following the Ray’s when I lived in Raleigh, NC. My family is moving back next year and I can’t wait to see some more Bulls games. Anyway, good to hear your doing well and staying positive.

  12. mike1588@yahoo.com

    Cantu my man. I had you in my fantasy league last year, and I was mad when I didn’t get you in the draft this year. But somebody gave up on you and dropped you from their team. So I have you now, and I can’t wait for you to come back and start knocking those runs in. Good luck on the rehab.

  13. jtorresmesias@hotmail.com

    Me da una gran alegría saber que la rehabilitación va por buen camino, y que muy pronto estarás ayudando a los Devil Rays. Imagina la ovación que la gente te dará en el Tropicana Field en tu primer turno al bate. Recuerda que, como te he dicho antes, estaré por allá con mi familia durante la Serie contra los Yankees del 7 al 9 de Julio. Ojalá haya manera de podernos tomar una foto contigo. Suerte y recibe muchos saludos desde Mérida, Yucatán.

  14. trevorfair@aol.com

    Cantu the team is playing great and that is with out you who i consider our best player. Your preformance in the WBC was outstanding and i cant wait to see what the team does in the up coming future…I just would like to see 85 wins…..yell at the GM to get a nother Pitcher and we are in business….You the man…!!

  15. chrisminutello@yahoo.com

    hey jorge my team is really hurtin i need you to get healthy fast and then when you get back to just start jacking some long balls left and right. Best of luck to you and your foot.

  16. lizparra@gmail.com

    Hola Jorge,

    Como ya todos lo han manifestado es una alegria que todo vaya por buen camino, estoy segura que vienen tiempos mejores, no se inquiete por ello, ahora dedíquese a lo que debe hacer que es recuperarse y devolver a sus fans con su juego claro, todas sus bendiciones y buenos deseos, cuídese mucho que cuando conozca Florida éste verano por supuesto que haré parada en el estadio para ir a ver a los Devil Rays y por supuesto a usted en gran forma, suerte…..


    Sonora, México

  17. carabay@hotmail.com

    Hola, Jorge. Eres de mis nuevos ídolos beisboleros. Siempre sigo el desempeño de los mexicanos en el beis y no eres la excepción. Este año no nos ha ido muy bien que digamos, Loaiza lesionado, Rodrigo Lopez con un mal año, Oliver Perez recuperandose, Vinicio mas o menos y tu lesionado. Por favor echale ganas a tu recuperacion, como aficionados te necesitamos en la 2a. base, conectando cuadrangulares e impulsando carreras. Vamos, tu puedes. Saludos afectuosos. Marcos Green.

  18. norman.phone@us.army.mil

    Man o Man Jorge we need you and we need you bad. Im not pushing you to play with an injury. But I am confident when you come back that you’ll will improve the team. You, Gomes, Wigginton, Huff, and Crawford its going to be a big treat in baseball and espically to the New York Yankees. Good luck and I hope you get better.

  19. johndabest@yahoo.com

    Cantu you was phenomanal in the world baseball classic and in the baseball game 2k6. But anyways I hope you recover from the rehab. I know when you come back you going to put some numbers on the board.

  20. ixela2802@hotmail.com

    hey jorge que bueno que todo esta llendo bien en tu reabilitacion, todos te dicen lo mismo pero no esta demas recordarte que le eches muchas ganas porke eres un gran toletero y todavia tienes mucho camino por delante, cuidate y no te olvides de tu fan #1 de cd juarez chih… claudia

  21. tlaufer09@cgps.org

    Jorge my man, how you doing? Im excited for June 1st. Your return will really boost my fantasy team and the D-rays.
    I have some ideas for you so you won’t be bored at home. You should buy Xbox 360 and play MLB 2K6. That could be good entertainment. Also, keep practicing. YOu can do anything because practice makes perfect. I have a lot of fai th in you. You are the best 2nd baseman alive. MVP MVp!!

  22. sicairos28@hotmail.com

    Jorge, ojala te recuperes ya bien, para que puedas seguir demostrando tu calidad con los mantarrayas, soy de sinaloa y siempre sigo tu juego aqui tambien con los tomateros, eres uno de mis jugadores favoritos, porque me gusta mucho tu forma de jugar y que siempre se ve que le estas echando muchas ganas, ojala y te toque estar en el juego de estrellas representando a mexico. SUERTE

  23. jtorresmesias@hotmail.com

    Tocayo: El día 1o. se acerca. Sigue siendo esa la fecha estimada para tu retorno? Ojalá sea así. Ya es hora de oir los acordes del Son de la Negra en el Tropicana Field cuando te pares a batear. Y, como te dije antes, la ovación de la gente no se hará esperar. Espero todo vaya conforme a lo planeado. Y te mandamos saludos toda la familia desde Yucatán

  24. mattbish@ufl.edu

    Hey Jorge,

    I commented on your last post, so i figured why not do it again. We all can’t wait for your return, we really need your ability to knock in runs, we leave so many people stranded on base. On another note I am the guy that ran into the Fri. night at International Mall in Nordstroms, and its good to see we have one of the good guys in sports on our ballclub. I hope the minor league rehab goes great, and we can see you playing soon with the Rays.

    -Matt Bishoff

  25. ellej82@yahoo.com

    Looking forward to your return to Detroit!!!

    You know were in the top of our division-

    See you @ the games-

    -LeeAnn Joseph

  26. numberonein96@yahoo.com

    Hello Jorge

    I am looking forward to your return. Have been following your progress, and am really excited about the Rays chances of putting together a real solid season with your return, and the return of Baldelli.

    I’ll bet it has been hard for you not being being able to contribute to the game, and team you love. My prayers and thoughts are with you and your return.

    Jeff Stenger, Lake Wales FL.

  27. bruceabales@hotmail.com

    I can not wait to get you back in the lineup. We need a boost to get our offense back on track, and as always your glove is sorely missed on the infield. Good clutch hitters are hard to find in the Bigs these days, and in my book you are right up there with guys like Mark Loretta and David Wright when it comes to getting it done in a pinch. I will be at the Trop on saturday, and I hope to see you in the lineup.

  28. d_angel92@sbcglobal.net

    Me da mucha alegria que ya pronto estes de regreso.

    Parece que tambien la buena suerte esta con Oliver Perez y Rodrigo Lopez.

    Una pregunta. En la liga futbol americana esta Rolando Cantu( Cardinales de Arizona) y queria saber si es pariente de ud?

    Ojala cuanto vengas para Oakland voy a tenir la oportunidad que conocerte.

    VIVA MEXICO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  29. flynn_steve@msn.com

    jorge, all d ray fans agree, we need you back soon!
    the team 22 wins 34 losses is really struggling, are relief pitching is horrible and our new ownership has down virtually nothing, you are one of the few bright spots on this team

  30. tlaufer09@cgps.org

    Supposively, you are returning to line up today. Good Luck! Even though you won’t need it. I heard you did well on the Biscuits. Just remember practice makes perfect. I was wondering, is your foot fully healed?

    Keep up the goof work.

    Ur biggest fan, Trevor

  31. saray6@aol.com

    Jorge, como estas?

    Yo soy hijo de el senor Gilberto Davila de Zapata. No mas to queria decir que estoy en el proseso to traer a mi papa para California en donde yo vivo para ir a verter jugar contra los angeles en el mes de Julio. My papa se quire comunicar con digo para hablar. Si tienes un momento communicate con el, on mantame un e-mail a mi. Gracias!

  32. ktagliarini@gmail.com


    You the man. Can’t wait to see you play again. I’m still shaking from watching you play for Mexico in the Baseball World Classic. I’m a huge fan and you are the reason I have been watching MLB so much in the past year, even with you out I’m reading everything I can about your status. Just know Tampa loves you, and every time you are at bat, either at home or at the game, Im yelling ‘You CanTu It’. Swing away Playa.

  33. lauratatianabh@hotmail.com

    HOLA AMORCINNNNNNNNNNNNN JAJAJA No importa que todo el mundo se entere..jajaja
    que onda coco..como vas con la patita que va al mercado y con reboso de bolitas ehhhh jajaja para que veas hasta tu patita es bien fashion.

    Hablame love ya byeee sweetie.


  34. noblsavg@hotmail.com

    Cantu, Nowadays.

    You’d on the rise tide

    like your own play

    as everyone know.

    It’s always good for me to

    see your shinings.

    One of Rays’ treasure in

    2nd base.

    Anyway. If you have enough time, then reply me even short.

    Sincerely, Kian.

  35. b.vanco@att.net

    The D-Rays are really hurting without you. I have no doubt in my mind that you can have a .300-30-100 season in 2007 and at least a .300-15-60 season this year.

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