Rehab is going great

Well. That fracture thing, it’s still lingering there. It’s still bothering me. It’s still sore. Walking. It’s going to take a while. Probably three more weeks.

I’m taking batting practice, there’s not that much pressure on it. Rehab is going great. I do it at home too, with a machine that I got from these guys at night.

So it’s just frustrating for me a little bit. I have to deal with it, that’s the worst thing. I sit in my house or my appartment and I don’t know what to do. I try to stay off my foot as long as possible. And I’m pretty much miserable right now.

Watching all my teammates. The team developing a winning attitude and everything. I want to be a part of it and I just feel left out a little bit.

This is my first time on the DL in the Major Leagues. I was on the DL once, in the Minor Leagues, when I twisted my left foot.

Just don’t panic. Stay out there, stay in touch and I’ll get back on the field and pick up where I left off.



    No one can replace you on the team and fans appreciate you trying to play through the pain earlier…I’m sure you hear that from a lot of people, but it’s true!

    I missed college nationals one year with mono, so I understand how hard it is to watch your team performing without you…at least it’s only temporary and I have no doubt you’ll come back to have a great season!

    Take care…

  2. Rachel

    I’m sorry to hear things are so rough right now, but I’m glad you used some of your down time to update us! Just remember, whenever you feel all alone and frustrated with the rehab process, that there are lots and lots of fans who can’t wait to see you back on the field and who hope you feel better (mentally and physically) soon. I’m not sure if that will actually help, but it couldn’t hurt…

    Even though the tone of your writing screams dejection right now, I have little doubt after reading your posts that you will indeed pick up where you left off. No panic here and get well soon!! (Insert awkward supportive hug here. Smile.)


    I’m a long-time White Sox fan who has just moved to South Florida and taken to the Rays. It’s a long season…hang in there. I’m anxious to see you back in the lineup myself…I paid up for you in my fantasy draft! Can’t wait to get up to St. Pete and see some games. Hurry back!


    Hey Jorge, hang in there buddy! You’re a terrific player. My fantasy squad misses your presence too! But I’d rather see you back at 100%, so that you can continue to lead the D-Rays in the right direction.

    Many were surprised by your 28/117 season last year, but not me! I signed you off the wires last year, and enjoyed your stellar prodction en route to my league title!

    Once healthy again, I look forward to you rejoining the Rays (and my team again)!

    Keep up the good work, and may rehab go smoothly!


    Jorge its Diana… Hope your doing well… Email me at so we can ketch up!! me and my parents are coming up to Boston Memorial Day weekend to see you play the Sox!! cant wait and hope to talk to you soon!!


    Vamos ahí!!!! Ese ánimo para arriba!!! Noto en tu mensaje a la afición que estás por momentos un poco desesperado. Y cómo no va a ser así. Como bien dices, es primera vez que estás en la DL. Pero recuerda que detrás de tí tienes el apoyo de todos tus fans. Y que estas cosas son parte del base ball. No las puedes evitar. Pero también recuerda que el tiempo pasa volando. Y cuando te des cuenta, ya estarás parándote en la caja de bateo del Tropicana Field escuchando las primeras notas del Son de la Negra. Puedes estar seguro que durante los 3 juegos de la Serie ante los Yankees del 7 al 9 de Julio, cada vez que te pares a batear, en las gradas estará una familia de yucatecos aplaudiendo fuertemente, ya que, como te había dicho antes, si Dios quiere estaremos ahí. Viajaremos desde Mérida, Yucatán especialmente a ver esa serie. Y a verte jugar a tí. Recibe un muy fuerte abrazo desde estas cálidas tierras y recuerda: ánimo!!! Saca ese temperamento tamaulipeco para salir adelante.


    Hey Jorge don’t worry about the injury theres noting you could do. You just need to keep up the rehab work and try to get back on the field asap. Not only to the d-rays need you but so does my fantasy team. You are one of the top 2b and i know you will return to form as soon as you get back on the field. Good luck with the rehab, and by the way congrats on the great season last year.


    I enjoyed reading your blog. I really liked how you said you want to be legend because I bet you already are in Mexico (I just got back from a week in Tulum!) after your awesome season last year. Many were skeptical that you would be able to keep up your success last year pointing to your low walk rate (only 19 in 598 AB’s) but I see you had 7 already in only 55 AB’s this year. I personally couldn’t stand to take a walk as I feel a good hitter is up their to hit and drive in runs. I also figured the pitcher would try to get ahead in the count and felt I could get a better pitch to hit than getting behind in the count. I know some hitters feel that the more pitches they see the more advantage they have or they try to get the count into a hitters count. I would warn to watch out if pitchers see the walk rate and start throwing out of the strike zone early to expand the zone and make you chase pitches. I would be interested to know your thoughts on this subject.

    Also I see you only have 1 career SB and did not have much success stealing bases in the minors. I’m wondering if the reason is a speed issue, technique or reading the pitchers. If it’s not a speed issue then you have a couple of great base stealers (Crawford and Gathright) who I’m sure are great players to learn from.

    Hope you return soon and healthy.

    A HUGE fan,



    Hey Jorge,

    The only thing we can possibly panic about right now is if you’ll be ok or not and you seem to be doing well. That’s really all that matters first and foremost to us! Keep your spirits up and know we’re all pulling for you to get back on the field soon, don’t let this make you miserable, let it make you stronger! I’m sure the team misses you and I know all of your fans do! (especially me.)



    Ánimo, solo te podemos decir que eres un gran jugador de baseball, el orgullo de nosotros los fans mexicanos!!!. Deseamos que tu rehabilitación no te tome mucho y puedas regresar al line up 100% saludable, extrañamos ver en los boxscores tus aportaciones al equipo y a tu carrera. JORGE ERES EL MEJOR!!!




    Jorge, get better! The Rays need you. I am a season ticket holder for the Rays and love to see you play. You are my brothers favorite player and we love to see you play. Get better soon and go rays.


    i hope u get better. Your actually the only reason i watch the Tampa Bay Devil Rays im from California so i have to root for the teams in Cali. Suerte! pronto volveras


    Jorge,Hope you are getting better by the day.The games are not as fun to watch without you.Please come back soon cuz i miss my Cantu.YourFan,Karen


    I’m a long-time White Sox fan, but, as I followed my old schoolmate Chris C.’s boxscores for the Princeton Devil Rays (He tore it up in Appalachian League last year!) I developed quite an interest in the Major League team as well. Your and Gomes’ immediate success in the Majors is almost obsurd, and surely deserving of more attention. But, don’t think real baseball fans (that excludes whiney fantasy baseballers) aren’t noticing. I got MLB.TV just so I could watch some D-Rays games, since I’m in Chicago. D-Rays fans (and apparently the new hybrid, White Sox/D-Ray fans) can’t wait to see you back out on the field when you’re fully recovered. How about that 13 game hit-streak you’ll be coming back to? Focus on the positives. Piense los buenos pensamientos!


    P.S. Wow, Mark Hendrickson is tall. Who wants to stand next to him?


    Hi Jorge, cheer up sweetie. I know it’s tough now, especially watching your friends play every day when you aren’t able to, but it’s only a matter of time before you will be out there again too. We all miss watching you play and can’t wait to have you back, when you are healthy. But in the meantime you’ve got to find the many positive things in life and focus on those. Time flies by a lot faster when you keep a positive mindset, even though it’s tough. Get well soon 🙂




    Im glad to see you are swiftly recovering from your foot injury. I hope to see you back in the lineup soon. The team has been playing well, but we have just been devastated by injuries. I think as the season progresses, our team will get better and put up a even better second half record that last season. I was wondering if you are 75% if you would come back to the team in a DH role, until you are fully rehabilited enough to play the field. WE reall could use your pop in the lineup, especially with runners in scoring position. So far this year Gomes and Wiggs have been getting the job done, but throw in you and Rocco and we will be a team to be feared. I hope you continue to heal quickly, and wish you the best of luck the rest of the season, or until your next post.

    -Matt Bishoff


    Hey Jorge. Don’t feel too bad about your situation. The team is starting to pull together and Lugo and Huff are back in the lineup so the team is doing pretty good. Once you get back out there it’ll be the team that everyone has been waiting for, and you guys may be back at 500 at that point. Just remember that no matter what happens the team and the fans are just patiently waiting for the “Great Cantu” to step back in at second and go back to making the opposing pitchers miserable. Plus at the end of the year You, Huff, and Lugo should have a little more left in the tank and that’s about the time that some of the yungsters start to fall off. You let Gomes carry the offense for a while and you can carry it again when he needs some rest.


    You are, by far, my favorite baseball player in the majors. I miss seeing you perform on the field. Baseball needs you back asap. Hope your healing process continues to go well, stay strong and can’t wait to see you roping those home runs all over the league. Arriva tomateros.


    Estimado Jorge:
    Te escribo desde Nuevo Laredo, Tam. para desearte que pronto estés de regreso, sé que es difícil para tí esta situación por tú caracter agresivo que siempre has tenido en el beisbol y que te ha llevado al triunfo como la temporada pasada. Los aficionados de México estamos preocupados por las lesiones de Loaiza, Rincón, y las malas rachas que han tenido Castilla, González, Pérez, López y sobre todo tu fractura. Vamos a orar porque te repongas bien y quedes listo para otra temporada exitosa, ya que tú eres un pelotero joven y con mucho futuro en las Ligas Mayores. Afectuosamente, Víctor Ordóñez


    Glad to hear your rehab is coming along, be patient nothing like coming back too early The team will really need you in July and August. The real reason I’m writing this, is I’ve been here for a year in Tampa and I can’t find a good Mexican Restaurant. I am in search of the “perfect” Chile Relleno”. I live in the NewPort Richey area and am at Tropicana Field every home game. Any ideas?


    jorge, we really need u back soon, but dont rush things, we need you and rocco back both healthy



    I just discovered your blog. Although I’m a die-hard Cubs fan I do have you on my Fantasy Team and am using Brandon Phillips to fill in for you. He’s not doing bad but is no Jorge Cantu! Get better soon!!!


    hey Jorge i am so mad about you being injured .you ,jonny gomes,toby hall and scott kazmir are my fav d-rays but we need your power and contact and plate discipline here on this team email me man!


    hey jorge… we need news about you… no puedes tener a tus fans tan abandonadas necesitamos saber de ti, if i could make u feel better i would do whaterver u want. hugs kisses wherever u want. just be ok. we need u!!! u are the #1 baby


    Hi Jorge, this is Marco from Italy: I am recovering too from knee surgery so I understand very well what you are going through; I am waiting for your return because I am rooting for the Devil Rays and because I have you in my fantasy team… Sure you don’t know you are actually playing very well in my PSP team (play station portable) as you began the season with a .450 avg 3 HR and 11 RBI in the first seven games! Still I am waiting to see you live on MLB.TV with your mates.
    Best wishes from Italy


    Jorge, This is John from chicago… man I really miss watching you play.. my favori 2nd baseman.. I want you to on the team so you can beat up on those **** whitesox.. cant stand those guys.. I wish you could come back sooner, I drafted you in the 1st round in my fantsy league.. I could use your help..also, Lugo tell him to start stealing more bases..j/k man take vare and get well soon


    Jorge, we are glad your foot is improving. We’re anxious to see you back on 2nd. base,BUT, not before you are completely well. One dl is enough. Keep thinking positive and we’ll be seeing you soon.


    Jorge! I’m a big Mets fan but have recently begun following the Rays (being that you guys have taken half of our farm system the past three years:Tyner, Kazmir, Wiggy) So listen up buddy, I hope you get better, i really do, but i can’t lie to you…i need you to come back so i can take you off the dl on my fantasy team and put miceli on it (don’t ask me why he’s my closer, he was the only one left haha). This way, i can pick up another player. And then Jorge, then i need you to produce. If you do well and stay healthy and happy, i will send you a t-shirt from my fantasy team which is called “David Wright Is God.” I know you just can’t wait to get it! But in all seriousness, get better buddy. – New York Chris


    Jorge, its been a long time and no update!!! When are you coming back, just give us a approximation!!!


    Qué onda Jorge? Cómo estás? Soy Miguel Boada, el periodista que te dio una portada del periódico LA AFICIÓN cuando veniste al DF a la firma de autógrafos y que estuvo con ustedes todos los días durante el Mundial, de hecho, te dejé mi tarjeta cuando te subiste al elevador con Oliver Pérez, luego del juego vs EU. Además de saludarte y desear que te recuperes pronto, quiero saber dónde te puedo encontrar para platicar contigo. Está muy chido tu blog. Ojalá me puedas escribir al mail ( pa estar en contacto. Muchas gracias señor y que te recuperes pronto, porque también estamos pendientes de cada uno de tus juegos. Saludos desde el DF… Miguel Boada


    Jorge, you are a darn beast. I know your working hard but I dont want you to come back too early and just get hurt again. Your the man. A dios


    Lamentamos lo que te pasa, pero estas son cosas que le suceden a todos los jugadores, ten paciencia y echale ganas, lo mas importante es la concentración y el aprendizaje cada día para ser mejor, aunque estes inactivo escuchando a tus entrenadores y viendo entrenar y jugar a tus compañeros de equipo y a los de otros equipos también estas aprendiendo, el acondicionamiento se recupera pronto, echale ganas para que sigas dándonos más satisfacciones ya que tus cualidades adquiridas y naturales no las perderás nunca, pronto nos daremos el gusto de verte personalmente jugando. saludos y sabes perfectamente que se te quiere.

    Roberto y Elva


    I’ve been a big fan since I was 6 (along time ago) seen many players come and go – every once in awhile you see something special – told the wife first time I saw you on the field – this is going to be fun! Another great one – R. Alamar must have agreed. Good luck – keep your head on straight and hit em hard


    Hello Jorge from your fans in WV. You are greatly missed – but you need to take care of YOU and don’t rush things. I’d rather have you back at 100% than back too fast and lose you for more time. The boys are holding on – but You and Gomes are the heart & hustle!! Ask your Crazy American Friend to help you stay positive – you 2 can keep each other POSITIVE! It kills me to be so far away form “MY BOYS!” TV helps – but only so much!
    Has Seth given you your 2005 Game DVD’s YET???

    Photographer Sammi


    What are your favorite ballparks to play in when you’re on the road?


    Jorge como estas ******? Eres el mejor segunda base en toda la liga. Espero que estes bien y que no te estes distrayendo mucho con las gringas de Florida. Soy de Tijuana, pero siempre voy a verte jugar en Anaheim. Quando regresas? Estimadamente,
    Miguel Cota


    Jorge come back soon, my fantasy team is weaksauce without you! But not too soon, because I don’t want you to get injured again.


    Jorge take your time and don’t give into your anxiousness. You will come back stronger and the team needs you down the stretch. Stay healthy and keep your faith close to your soul!!
    Viva Mexico’ amigo’ mio’!!!


    No te procupes broder!! Tu no mas te me conpones bien para ir a verte jugar otrabes!! y ha purate para que le pongas una CHING* a la liga americana
    Estimadamente, El Rey Manuel


    Jorge, Keep getting better! I’m sure you feel left out of the excitement a bit, but we fans have not forgotten you! I went to the game last night proudly wearing my Cantu jersey! D-Rays beat the White Sox–it was fun to watch. We can’t wait to see you back out there, but everyone wants you healthy. It’s going to be a great season for us all! Take Care – your old neighbor, Margi


    JORGE CANTU. You are my favorite player. I can’t believe you went on a 10 game hitting streak with a swollen foot. Just take you time and let it heal. I think you have the most potential of any second baseman alive. You are going to make plenty of all star games and the hall of fame. So just heal and concentrate. Don’t get over confident like Aramis Ramirez. I thought he was the future of the cubs and now he can’t buy a hit. Dude, you are the team and you have to thank Gomes and Wiggington for stepping up. I love the D-Rays. That is the youngest team. You guys will take the Red Sox and Yanks soon. Lugo and u are the best Double play combo. Then there crawford and gathright, gomes, kazmir huff, wiggington. This team is the future of baseball. Keep it up man. ANd the mustahce. For real its hot

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